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Development - Residential, Land For Sale

Saltdean Kennels, Westfield Avenue North, Brighton, BN2 8HP

Shortlist +
1 Acres (0.4 Hectares)
For Sale - £1,000,000 Offers in excess of

Key Features

Outline Application for 7 private detached houses (Ref - BH2024/00260).
3 no. four bed, 2 no. three bed and 2 no. two bed.
Each house includes pleasant private garden and parking.
Stunning hilltop location with views across SDNP.
S106 - £223,250 agreed.
CIL - To be agreed.
Low density development.
Approximately 1 acre (0.4 ha).
Offers in excess of £1,000,000 Freehold, Subject to Obtaining Outline Planning Consent as submitted.